Insights on app development

Building an Enterprise Application in Flutter

Building an enterprise-scale application in Flutter, as in any other framework, requires a specific approach toward organizing the team and the code they create. This comprehensive tech article explains how to approach such a large-scale project.

Identity Management Solutions, Part II: Firebase Auth, Supabase, Keycloak, Auth0 & Ory Kratos

Selecting the best identity management solution is hard. Many options are available on the market, each with its own pros and cons. We compared the most obvious choices with the less popular ones. See our comparison of Firebase Auth, Supabase, Keycloak, Auth0 & Ory Kratos.

LeanCode at Flutter Firebase Festival 2023 - see what awaits!

We hope you haven’t had enough of Flutter events yet! LeanCode is a partner of the Flutter Firebase Festival in Prague. See why you should not miss this event, and what awaits you, including the LeanCode booth and our new talk about Patrol & Firebase.

LeanCode and our Speakers at Flutter & Friends 2023

Another exciting event has appeared on the Flutter event roadmap - Flutter & Friends in Stockholm. We love to support Flutter initiatives, so LeanCode became the Silver Sponsor of this conference. Find out about talks given by LeanCode team members and what you can expect from this event.

The Role of UI Testing in Large-Scale Applications

We dive into the topic of UI testing in Flutter. Read more about automated UI tests' benefits and available solutions and why UI testing plays a crucial role, especially in large-scale applications.

Feature-Based Flutter Architecture - LeanCode

Read about the LeanCode approach to Flutter architecture. We highlight some of the design decisions that should be made when developing a feature in mobile apps. This includes our approach to dependency injection, state management, widget lifecycle, and data fetching.

Building an Enterprise Application in Flutter

Building an enterprise-scale application in Flutter, as in any other framework, requires a specific approach toward organizing the team and the code they create. This comprehensive tech article explains how to approach such a large-scale project.

Identity Management Solutions, Part I: Introduction

With the changing landscape of identity management, at LeanCode we faced the challenge of selecting a new identity management solution that would be our default for the coming years. We want to share with you the whole journey. Find out more about our approach to this task.

Meet LeanCode and Our Speakers at Fluttercon Berlin 2023

LeanCode became the Silver Sponsor of this year's most-expected event, Fluttercon Berlin 2023. But it's not all! You can also meet there 4 our speakers who will share their knowledge with other great developers from around the world based on enterprise Flutter projects they delivered at LeanCode.

How We 10x Improved Flutter UI Testing With Patrol 2.0

Discover the potential of Flutter UI testing and the enhancements brought by Patrol 2.0. Find out how our dev team achieved a remarkable 10x improvement in the efficiency and reliability o UI tests, unleashing streamlined testing workflows. Dive into the article and improve your Flutter UI testing process.

Building a Design System in a Large Flutter App

Flutter is known for its seamless UI/UX features and robust design elements. It allowed us to deliver a unique customer experience in the “CA24 Mobile” banking app. This article shares some of the learnings and pain points behind implementing it in this large project.

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